This website has been designed to provide you with detailed information on the services provided by Mr. Ian Bottrill,Consultant ENT surgeon.
On this site you will find details of Ian's qualifications and services provided including contact information for patients in both the NHS and private sectors.
You will also find links to patient information for common ENT problems.
Ian obtained his medical degree from Southampton University in 1986. He became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS) in 1991.
His initial ENT training was at the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital (RNTNEH) and Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London.
He then undertook a one year fellowship at Tufts University Medical School in Boston USA. This involved work on laser applications in ear surgery and work on treating Meniere's Disease. On returning to the UK he became a senior registrar at Cambridge and RNTNEH.
He passed his FRCS(ORL) final ENT examination in 1996 achieving the gold medal for the highest score in his examination. He was appointed to his NHS consultant position at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford and Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury in 1997.
Although providing a service in all areas of out patient and surgical ENT practice, Ian has a specialist interest in diseases of the ear. This includes childhood ear and hearing problems, surgery for ear infections, cholesteatoma, problems with the bones of hearing, otosclerosis and Eustachian tube problems. Ian has an interest in the treatment of patulous eustachian tube problems and receives worldwide referrals. He also has extensive experience in the treatment of Meniere's disease.
Ian is a national expert in the use of gentamicin for Meniere's disease. He provides a regional service for bone anchored hearing aids.
Ian is actively involved in the training of ENT doctors. He also teaches on national ENT courses, particularly in ear surgery. Ian has been on the council of the British Society of Otology and has been the ENT lead consultant for Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust since 2007. He has published papers on various aspects of ear problems.